
Showing posts from July, 2020

4 years later

Honestly, I was not planning on continuing this blog. It started as a way for us to spread the word about our adoption and keep loved ones updated on the process. Now, over four years after our adoption has "completed", I realize that the process really isn't over. Like parenthood in general, it is a continual unfolding of stages, seasons and cycles. But unlike parenthood in general, parenting a child who is our's through adoption, comes with a unique set of challenges and blessings. Much like at the beginning of our adoption journey, I now find myself scouring blogs and books looking for advice and companionship. So here I am, committing to reach out a hand to any other adoptive mama who is also feeling her way through this beautiful and messy journey. I do not have all the answers, or really any answers at all, but I am committed to try and keep trying to raise my son who I did not birth to be the man he was born to be.